Documentary Timeline

March 6, 2023:

Documentary project announced.

The process begins with finding people to help with the project (ie. filmers, editors, mentors, etc.). Also, we will start to storyboard the documentary’s structure. Finally, we will continue to film interviews that fit the ambitions of the documentary.

April 2, 2023

A tentative storyboard has been created with a plan to create an hour long documentary focused on Bay Area Homelessness. The documentary will come from the perspective of a high school student and will have a target audience of high school students as well.

May 20, 2023

The bulk of general research on homelessness in the Bay Area has finished. This does not mean that research will stop entirely; it is just important to move onto the next phase.

June 3, 2023

Created a small section of the film focusing on Atherton Housing Unit, NIMBY, and affordable housing.

June 26, 2023

The filming process will take 4 weeks in portions of July and August. Week 1: stats, veterans, youth/family, history of homelessness. Week 2: affordable housing, homeless encampments, crime, and public safety. Week 3: drug abuse and mental health. Week 4: policymakers, solutions, economics. Week 5: closing touch-ups and release. Goal: 40 min to 1 hour documentary; 15 interviews.

July 23, 2023

Start of filming. Will last one month.

September 1, 2023

Filming has finished. It has taken a bit longer than expected. We will now begin the editing process. Hopefully, it can be finished within the next month, but it may take longer than expected.

November 5, 2023

A rough cut of the documentary film has been completed. We will now make fine touches, and the documentary should be released soon. I’m very excited to share it with everyone!

January 14, 2023

The documentary is fully finished and is released to the public on Youtube. I will submit the documentary to film festivals, and share it with local residents and policymakers. I have learned so much from the process and thank everyone who has helped me out during this process. Today, I have a completely different view on homelessness since I started.