Barry Roeder
Meet Barry Roeder. He is currently working with Google to create an affordable portal called Doorway. He is trying to minimize the inefficiencies currently in

Rick DeGolia
I spoke with Rick DeGolia, a council member and former mayor of Atherton, California. As a student in Atherton, it was fascinating to learn about

Dennis Culhane
This past summer, I had the amazing opportunity to have a conversation with Dennis Culhane, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a homelessness

Kelsey Pimentel
Meet Kelsey Pimentel. She is a manager of Youth Leadership at Larkin Street Youth Services in San Francisco. With a degree in psychology, Kelsey aims

Terry Allebaugh
Meet Terry Allebaugh. He is an adjunct professor at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. He also founded Housing for New Hope

Melissa Platte
Meet Melissa Platte. She is the executive director at the Mental Health Association of San Mateo County. Her organization provides services to homeless individuals who

Bart Charlow
Meet Bart Charlow. He is the CEO of Samaritan House in San Mateo county. Samartian House prides themselves in their housing first approach and the

Kimbel Welch
Meet Kimbel Welch. He currently works at CityTeam San Francisco, a homeless shelter. Kimbel was homeless for 20+ years. He struggled with alcoholism. Luckily, CityTeam

Bruce Hamilton
Meet Bruce Hamilton. He is a 30-year+ homeless individual with many ideas on how we can solve homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. He